50 Hr Exam Preparation Course
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120 Hr Online TESOL Course (Self Study)
This option is 100 % online and doesn’t include teaching practice. It is aimed for those who are already teachers but want to have...
120 Hr TESOL Course (Face to Face)
Our PRACTICAL course option includes 4 weeks in-class intensive study, but focuses on the teaching practice as the most important component. The candidates work...
120 Hr Online TESOL Course (with Instructor)
This option is 100 % online and doesn’t include teaching practice. It is aimed for those who are already teachers but want to have...
120 Hr TESOL Course (SemiOnline)
It is a combination of both theory + practice. The difference between the SEMI and PRACTICAL course option is that SEMI is aimed for...
60 Hr Online TESOL Course (Self Study)
This option is 100 % online and doesn’t include teaching practice. It is a shortened version of the 120 Hr TESOL curriculum for those...